Monday, June 20, 2022

June 19th Today We Fly to Paris!

After spending the night in a hotel near the airport we will fly to Paris this afternoon. It's a long flight 9 hours (thankfully nonstop). We are looking forward to exciting time creating wonderful memories.

After clearing customs. We take the REF train to Gard de Nord and easily connected to the Metro orange line. Then just a short walk to our apartment.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

June 21st summer solstice

We begin the day at the St Regis Cafe. This one of our favorite restaurants for breakfast located near the Notre Dame in the heart of Paris.

A visit to the Musée d'Orsay was as always enlightening . I love back stories to the impressionism art such as the Luncheon on the Grass or Déjeuner sur l'herbe one by Monet the other by Manet 
Monet's painting
Manet's painting

At the time both of these paintings were criticized.

We were very exhausted by 3:00 p.m. (still recovering from Jet lag) so we headed back to our apartment. Later that evening we went out to dinner at a restaurant nearby and had a variety of pizzas!
 What an extraordinary day and good way to celebrate the summer solstice.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 22 Musée de l'Orangerie

I suspect that this will be our daily routine beginning our day with an expresso relaxing on the couch enjoying the cool morning breeze through the open windows in our apartment. 
Then breakfast at a Paris cafe
breakfast a vegetarian Cafe was delightful. Next  the Musée de l'Orangerie
Margaret really liked this painting Les Biches by MARIE LAURENCIN
This paiting was an immediate favorite of Camille's 
L'Enfant à la poupée

This was one of Frances' favorite paintings  

Dad examines Waters Lillie's by Monet

People watching with Margaret just outside the Musée de l'Orangerie

Friday, June 17, 2022

June 22 Musée Marmottan Monet

Enjoying a morning expresso
Today we will continue our post impressionic journey by making our way to the lesser known Musée Marmottan Monet

On the way to the museum Camille fills he water at a Wallace fountain  just outside of the popular Shakespeare and Company bookstore 

Here is are a few paintings of a special excibit Theater of Emotion at the Musée Marmottan 
Self-Portrait as a Mocker, Joseph Ducreux
The Musicians' Brawl
Painting by Georges de La Tour
Émile Signol (1804-1892) Madness of the fiancée of Lammermoor , 1850. 
Les Incompris (The Misunderstood)

Exhausted after a full adventerous day

Thursday, June 16, 2022

June 24th Marias Neighborhood

We are looking forward to a day of exploring modern and contemporary art at the Centre Pompidou no and  at 59 RUE DE RIVOLI.
59 Rivoli is an art gallery in Paris, France. Formerly an artist squat that had occupied the space since 1999, it was legalized by the city from 2006 onwards

Some of our favorites at the Centre Pompidou:
The Poet Max Herrmann-Neisse
Painting by George Grosz
Peinture murale, 35 rue de Sèvres à Paris by Le Corbusier 

 Margot (1924) by Rudolf Schlichter
Girl with Black Cat by Matisse (a Margaret favorite)
A Marc Chagall painting celebrating his Marriage to Bella

Inside thethe Centre Pompidou (2012 photo)


I appreciate the way the artist arganzized his pallette
Création en cours

Margaret talking a selfie of chimpanzees taking a selfie!

This collaborate encourage  networking with the artist while they're painting and tagging through Instagram. But if you visit make sure you ask before taking a photo.

Street art in front the 59 RUE DE RIVOLI
Margaret and her Dad at 59 RUE DE RIVOLI

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

June 24th, exploring Montmartre

After sleeping-in we head to the Montmartre Neighborhood. No museums it's a "walk- eat- walk -  street art". In Paris If there is a blank wall someone is going to eventually paint something.

Then onto a walk through the Montmartre Cemetery

Headline: La tragédie française (the French Tragedy)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 25 Acr of Triumph

Today we attend an English Mass, visit the Arc of Triumph and the Rodin Musée.

Breakfast after mass at Cafe L'Etoile  

Margaret is fast learner she has figured out the Metro and can get us where we want to go.
The arc of Triumph 
View from the top of the arc of Triumph (2007 photo)
Monument to Balzac a sculpture by Auguste Rodin in memory of the French novelist Honoré de Balzac.

Catching up on the news. Oh my! headline: Avortement: la grande régression de la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis" 
Translation: "Abortion: the great regression of the Supreme Court of the United States"